I suck! I know. I'm awful with journal-ing and chronicling my life. I just never feel like I have anything worthwhile to say or that I'm rambling. But what the hell, it's not like I'm writing a memoir. A lots changed in the past year, and more importantly a lots changed with me.
I'm single again, technically? Haha. But I don't know if I'm taking very good advantage of that. Yes there's the shameless flirting, the batted eyelashes, the added accessories for those outfits where I know I look good. But I don't really feel like I'm in the right mindset? No one's making me jump out of my seat and drooool.
I've recently dropped a lot on my plate. I realize more than ever now that I have a good sense of what I want to do with my life and where I want to go. I realize that I'm capable of doing what I want and doing it well. I'm so excited to develop myself further because I just can't wait for all that I'm planning to do.
Recently I joined the FNA club at SFSU. It was pretty random, but I went to our non-profit fair and I checked out all our booths and got as much info as I could. I ended up going to the FNA meeting, and applying for the Assistant Events Coordinator position. And people actually voted for me, because I got it! It was so weird to feel like people actually believed that I had the experience and passion to do a good job over this other girl who actually had more experience with fashion internships in general. It's a little stressful, and I'm already constantly obsessing over it. But I'm so excited.
Today I had lunch with Angela Slate formerly known as Miss Rosario, and she asked me to intern with her and get experience with helping her with her business and helping to plan her yearbook camp next fall.
On October 3rd, I'll be going to the L.E.A.D Orientation for FNA, but also going out into the city later that night to a Meals on Wheels orientation, because I decided to start volunteering as a friendly visitor/ grocery shopper.
Oh, and last thing. I registered to attend an NYU seminar in the city on the 12th for future applicants.
So maybe I'm not taking full advantage of the benefits of being flirty and reckless and single, but I feel like I suddenly have all these opportunities to accomplish all that I want to do and I'm actually going for it. I'm starting to feel like myself again, taking time to think of all these things I want to do, except this time I have no reservations, nothing holding me back. I know what I want to do. I know where I want to go. I'm ready to do this, and I've never been more excited!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
It's been far too long.
Posted by EM at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Myspace is dead.
Yes yes, reunited and it feels so good. Summer goals and plans, fun fun. But there's plenty of time for all that. What I'm thinking about, is myspace.
Dead as a doornail you could call it, whatever that means, because in the social networking world facebook owns. Sadly. And while facebook in many ways seems simpler and more practical and just better for current needs, myspace once thrived and served as an integral cog in the highschool machine of my life.
It's funny how I can flip through just the pages of comments, of little blurbs of nothing conversations, and I can understand whats being said without my half of it. It's even funnier what's being said, and who's saying it. Just 9 pages of comments, and I can see pretty much my entire history of high school boys. From the simple flirts, to serious crushes, and even the evolution of relationships from better to worse and vice versa.
Here are just a few that made me smile, laugh and even cringe;
Dec 15, 2006 10:02 PM
aww, i feel so special. i'm one of your heroes. haha, hello emily.paolo_angelo

Dec 20, 2006 12:00 PM

Dec 20, 2006 12:21 PM
I COULD ASK HER THE FRIDAY SCHOOLS BACK.What do you think this was in reference to? ;] Hahaha.

Jan 6, 2007 5:22 PM
vj?![*C.O.B.*] [YFC]

Feb 1, 2007 8:10 PM
wsup?-the guy with the small pe shirt
vj?![*C.O.B.*] [YFC]

Feb 6, 2007 10:03 PM
HAHAmos def
i'll flash her
still mad like a rice cooker?
I don't know what this convo was about, but I like still mad as a rice cooker. Haha.

Mar 5, 2007 7:24 PM
i wasn't muggin you, that was me smiling GOSH. sighhh i never do,i just feel weird when i do it,espcailly you. =]paolo_angelo

Mar 14, 2007 5:29 PM
Aww y am i sixth. I should be first. Take gabe out of there....paolo_angelo

Mar 14, 2007 8:55 PM
But your not gabes first...and i gave u like 2000 dollars.ryan

Apr 4, 2007 8:00 PM
HEY HEYyou better wait a gosh damn second there Emily you never told me where you were going!!JEEZE whats up with that!!yo!
>=.. well where ever your goin just make sure to come back!then get wasted with us but im sure you gonna do that already!
-comb you hair n brush your teeth
<3 you 2

May 2, 2007 7:26 PM
HAHA =P naw, Emily i love you ! u know just in a way thats not publicly shown to anyone! at all!noo sit by me!
Gabe just told me today about it during track after i left with Long for sexy time with him n Adam!
vj?![*C.O.B.*] [YFC]

May 17, 2007 5:03 PM
hey youwhat was wrong today?
you seemed sad
vj?![*C.O.B.*] [YFC]

May 28, 2007 4:45 PM
Hey Emily=]How are you?
We should hang out more often=].....
I think you're pretty cute.=]
AWWWW. I just read this one. Hehe. He was nice, huh?

Oct 25, 2008 3:30 PM
just dance.oh and you're cute :]
Ugh, aw? Lol.
Haha, alright. Ah, memories. Boys, boys, boys. Lol, well that is all.
F&A :]
Posted by EM at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Posted by EM at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Complete my Oasis thing for school cus I was supposed to do that over break
Start on my "college years" scrapbook Don't chicken out on drivingPass my test
Clean my room
Do yoga again, more regularly
Return a bunch of stuffCut my hair
Stop having weird dreams that I can't remember anyway
I want new sheets
Think about what I need for school next year
Figure out what classes I should take next year
Take chinese [over the summer] and learn it!
Stop shopping so if I really do go to Taiwan, I can buy things ;]
Go back to Taiwan
Hang up pictures
Buy more photo collage frames
Frame puzzles
Hrm.. find other life goals and longtime hobbies that can be productive
Posted by EM at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
So I realize that I completely skipped Christmas, and even though I have about half more of my break, I feel like it's approaching fast. I feel unprepared, yet I can't wait; I'm dreading it, yet I'm so bored. I also bought enough school supplies to last me my life, although I should probably get some pens and pencils cus I have no idea where I put them; damn it. So I'm wondering when this new year is gonna get good. Cus so far, I've just been really sick feeling, and I hate it. I was hoping that'd be the one thing I'd avoid since I went to the hospital for the first time last year a few days after my birthday. We'll see 300 something more days to go. My breaks been okay, I still hate thinking about the days where I've accomplished nothing, but some days I just can't find the energy to move. Right now, the idea of moving hurts; I am not feeling good right now. But I am thinking. I didn't even consider the idea of a resolution, but maybe I'll just make a list. A list of things I want to accomplish and need to accomplish, and instead of my normal lists like these, I'll include the things I'm afraid of taking on, or don't want to do. I'll include small things too just cus I haven't made one of these in a while, so I haven't done much this break.
Complete my Oasis thing for school cus I was supposed to do that over break
Start on my "college years" scrapbook
Don't chicken out on driving
Pass my test
Clean my room
Do yoga again, more regularly
Return a bunch of stuff
Cut my hair
Stop having weird dreams that I can't remember anyway
I want new sheets
Think about what I need for school next year
Figure out what classes I should take next year
Take chinese [over the summer] and learn it!
Stop shopping so if I really do go to Taiwan, I can buy things ;]
Go back to Taiwan
Cook more often
Hang up pictures
Buy more photo collage frames
Frame puzzles
Hrm.. find other life goals and longtime hobbies that can be productive
Alright, that's all I got for now, it's a pretty lame list but I can't think of anything really crazy or fun that I can accomplish in a year right now. I'll think about it more later. Anyways, the point of this post was that I was just thinking about younger kids these days. They seem so old, and I wonder if we seemed that way just a few years ago. I read what they post on facebook and I think, were we like that? In some ways I say yes, and still for some reason, mostly because I don't think I've changed and matured all of a sudden, that we weren't that bad? Not to say that they're out of control, but I dunno. And were we that consumed by the internet? We still are now, but FML and youtube vids and facebook, has become such a staple in like the middle schools, it's like to be away from that for a week would be death. I'm not saying we're much better, but I didn't die when I didn't have a laptop, I just watched a lot of television. I wonder if the world has to end in two years cus we've just gone off the map. But in any case, whether we were like that, better or worse, I still find myself to have been pretty lame. And I don't even want to read what I posted on this blog a few months ago, let alone read old blogs from my xanga years ago. Is it just me? I just want to know, is there ever going to be a point in my life where I'm not gonna look back and go, wow I was so stupid. Because I'm pretty sure by the time I'm middle-aged and thinking back to my youth, I'll think "I used to think I was having epiphanies about life, hah. Stupid." Even a few years from now, I'll think back to me now and say man I had a lot of lame drama. It's weird and kinda sad that I will never live up to future me's expectations. Mmm.. I dunno. I'm tired now. Goodnight.
Posted by EM at 12:08 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 27, 2009
Okay, so instead of repeating my insane family filled week a million times, I'm just going to blog it out. Haha.
To backtrack, it's not only Thanksgiving, but my Great grandma's 90th birthday, so that's why this year was such a big deal. I mean last year, I ate taco bell in my room by myself last thanksgiving, which was actually pretty nice. Anyways but for this year, everyone on my mom's side came into town, and I mean everyoneeeeeeeee.
The past couple weeks, people have been coming into town and staying at my house, mostly the people who live in Taiwan, so since last weekend, my room has no longer been mine :[ My aunt nicole and my uncle david are in my room, my great aunt is in my brothers room, my great uncle was on a mattress in my living room, and my uncle, his wife & their 9 month old baby Howie were in the bonus room. Now Howie and his parents are at a hotel and I've upgraded to the mattress in the living room rather the couch in the family room. In any case however, I have no room, so I am awoken at the crack of dawn by old folks coming out of their rooms being very loud (especially my grandmother) to eat breakfast and such. I get no sleep, and I keep trying to just lie and close my eyes for a few more hours before having to get up and quickly move my stuff and mattress all out of the way so no ones knows I sleep here and our house is a mess. Sigh, the life of the dutiful granddaugther.
Things didn't really start happening, 'til wednesday when more family came into town. That night, the house was full, and at about 7 my grandma decides she wants fruit for everyone. So a few of us run over to costco and get the one unbroken watermelon that was there, 4 baby melons, a honeydew, 2 canteloupe, and a pineapple? Yeah idk, we just bought random fruit. This is just the beginning of the packed fridge.
Thursday was great grandma's birthday, and thanksgiving! yayyyyyy.
We had big trays of chinese food for lunch, plus a turkey. By the time we finished, there wasn't even a dent in it. We have serious leftovers. Part 2 of packed fridge. Then we got all dressed up to go to dinner... at some hole in the wall restaurant that was no good! And we were still full from lunch anyways. Part 3 of packed fridge.
Friday, we woke up to go around 9ish to Oakland, so we could take family pictures. We had to wait the longest time, and it was such a struggle with 5 kids ranging 2months to 7yrs. Especially Logan, he did not want to sit still. We had to bribe him with m&m's. Then we picked up mcdonald's on the way home, cus I already know I'm eating chinese food for the next week. Then we hung out at home for a bit, and then the cake came. OHMYGOSH. A full sheet, was A FULL SHEET. That thing weighed like 20 pounds. It feeds 70-80 people. Miscommunication. So yeah, part 4 of packed fridge. We had so much cake. Then after all my aunts and uncles saw the birthday video paolo made me and he stopped by so I introduced him, I went shopping for a couple hours before dinner, AGAIN. I got a big soft nemo, and a big tigger for my unborn baby cousin who will be born year of the tiger. Yay for black friday sales. I got home just in time to leave for dinner, and then we went to grand tapei in hayward for MORE chinese food. But we didn't order as much. This time it was for my great uncle bob's birthday. So yeah. A lot more details, a lot of family and hanging out that I could type, but I'm not justin and this was too much for me as it was. Oh yeah, and I keep hearing chinese in my head, maybe them all being around isn't too bad. OMG and i just had to mention i listened/ watched the ABC song both regular, in phonic, and asl versions on youtube like a bajillion times, cus my baby cousin logan who's obessesed with ABC's insisted on watching it. And I just couldn't deny that little cutie!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
F & A, Em.
Posted by EM at 10:31 PM 0 comments