I don't know exactly what triggers it. The sudden impulse and inspiration I have to blog. I don't ever really feel like saying nothing; but I'm not sure if I ever really have anything to say. I don't feel like I do once the words leave my mouth. Or the letters leave the keyboard. But yeaah, I'm unsure of a lot of things. I kinda think now it might be healthy to blog. I feel like it makes me think; like really think about what I want to say about my life, and myself. I don't wanna spend my whole present recounting the past, so I really just type what I'm feeling, what I'm thinking. Life's been okay so far I guess, as good as it has been in a while. School's just blahh, but I have to buckle down for midterms. Clearly you can see how that's working right now x[ Haha. Sighh. But yeaah; I'm happy that all the birthdays and anniversary's are over, cus planning Paolo and Terry's last month were soooo stressful and time consuming. And bank breaking x[ But it was worth it to give them really great memories. Chrissy's birthday was this week, and we had fun going to dinner and having co-ed game night; so even though it wasn't anything elaborate, I think he still had a great birthday, so I'm glad. Still, there's ghemie's birthday next week, and then Halloween the week after that. But she's got her bday all planned out already, so there's just Halloween to deal with. Ahh. It sooo doesn't even feel like October. College makes it feel like life is just everlasting singular days that continue and continue. Nothing special; nothing different. Hrmm.. this weeks been interesting. I have mixed feelings about something big that's happened, and I dunno. I'll keep that to myself.
So this weekend... :]
We had girls & guys' game night! Whooo first ever. We played apples to apples and that game is SOOO Biased! It sucked. Haha; but still sooo hilarious. Maybe next week we should play monopoly. Cus strip 13 wasn't fun either. Haha. Still, we always have fun together no matter what we're doing. After all, we were at Ghemie's 'til like 11 something; got home right before midnight. Whooo, funtimes as always. Can you imagine if we all lived together in the city? Crazy fun 24/7! It'd get so annoying. x[ Hahahha. Then Kristel slept over again and after watching SYTYCD, we fell asleep. &&& Woke up to go to the mall @ 11 the next day.Chrissy, Me, Kristel, Ghemie & Arnold went to Valley Fair before dropping Kristel back @ SC, and Arnold bought jeans. He wants me to mention that; and that I picked them out. Idk Anywaysss... I am thankful that every week, as jam packed and stressful as they are, there's never a dull moment with my friends. You guys are stupid and exhausting, but it's so much fun just driving around laughing with you guys. & Kristel, we miss you at SC...sometimes. & we feel bad for leaving you there alone with all the white people O.o Alright, goodnight blogspot.
F&A Em.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Life's Little Moments
Posted by EM at 6:42 PM 0 comments
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